Fees & Policies

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If you have any questions about our FEES & POLICIES, please call (972) 886-0046 for a personal response. 

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Normally, our fee for a 50 minute session ranges between $150 and $250. However, we are available on a first come first serve basis to see you for up to five sessions over an approximately five week period at no financial cost to you. Nor will there be a charge for any additional sessions to which we agree.

Should you wish to donate any time or money to a church or any other charitable cause as a way of passing on any benefits you might receive from psychotherapy with us, it will be appreciated. However, this will have no bearing on the psychotherapy we provide you. 

You do not need to donate anything to receive psychotherapy services from us.

Because the services you will be receiving from us will be free of charge, they will not be eligible for any type of insurance reimbursement.


Sessions are scheduled by appointment, which will ordinarily be once a week, and  be 50 minutes in length. Your appointment will end between 50 and 55 minutes after its scheduled start time regardless of when you arrive.

A portion of your 5 session limit may be deducted for time spent providing other ancillary services that you may require or request such as report writing, telephone conversations, attendance at meetings, or consultations.

Your session time is reserved for you. If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, you are asked to notify your therapist at least 24 hours in advance by leaving a message at the phone number provided for this purpose by your therapist, or by sending your therapist a message using the messaging feature of your client portal.

If you miss a session without canceling, or cancel with less than 24 hours notice, one session may be deducted from your five session limit in addition to the session you missed.

Office Hours

Monday - Saturday:

By Appointment


12:30 pm - 4:30 pm